Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
I have been away for a long time, I hope u all had a great Christmas and I hope you all party safe tonight.
I'll be back in the New year and I hope to have a great New Year....
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's getting COLD out there....

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Please pray for the families
Christmas tree lighting
I had got the call for extra duty and I accepted, it was a pretty easy gig because we were there for crowd control and the crowds weren't too big because it was raining.... It was a nice event too bad we didn't have better weather...

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Back at the pool
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Torch and Crosby come to Town.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
293 days Left.....
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hockey Game
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Went to the park for Walk
Today after Heidi got home we headed out to the Park, It was a beautiful day and I had spent all day in bed then playing COD.
We headed to the park and Picked up a couple cupcakes along the way, when walked around point pleasent park, there was alot of people out walking their dogs.... Can't wait to get one, some day.
After the walk we headed home, gotta get some food in me I'm starving....
Check out the videos
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Cowboys vs. Eagles
Friday, November 6, 2009
Machu Picchu Trip

This Is someones Hike to Machu Picchu From Youtube, They sound british I
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Off Season Triathlon Training
I've been looking at Triathlon Training in general, but for all you that are in your offseason I came across some articles and Videos that may help you out, Thanks to Krista who blogged about it, so I decided to throw up a quick post, you have have other Links please share them in the comments section.....
YouTube Video - Triathlon Offseason
YouTube Video - Triathlon Strength & Conditioning Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Hitting my stride
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Long Nights.....
When I left to head home I got a cool email, It was from a father who we helped in returning his child to him, the young boy was left behind at the playground, and he helped entertain him and find his parents... Lesson here: Don't have 5 kids if your always losing your
Today I spent the day helping my friend move all day, it was alittle wet but it went well, they have a great new home.
Well back to the pool tomorrow, maybe a run aswell...
(here are more Pics of the twins)

Monday, November 2, 2009
My 2 nephews...
Today my sister had twins, they are healthy and Katie is doing well too...
The whole family went in to see them today, I missed out in it because I was working last night. And slept in....
But tonight at work I was able to sneak down and see my new nephews, they are soo cute... Here's a pic

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I'm a Uncle
I slept in till around now, and I'm off to work in a sec, Just wanted to let you know I'm a new Uncle.... My sister just had Twins and they are healthy boys!!!
I'm a Uncle
I slept in till around now, and I'm off to work in a sec, Just wanted to let you know I'm a new Uncle.... My sister just had Twins and they are healthy boys!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Super Ken.....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Running Form...
Today I headed to the pool with my 70yr old Homies, I had a good swim with alittle gossip, I worked on breathing ever 4 breaths...
Question: Whats better; Breathing every 4 breaths or every 3 breaths bilaterally ??
I've been doing alot of reading about running, I know I have bad form so I'm trying to get a few tips about imprioving my form. Check out this post called The Perfect Form or I have it below...
Head Tilt: How you hold your head is key to overall posture, which determines how efficiently you run. Let your gaze guide you. Look ahead naturally, not down at your feet, and scan the horizon. This will straighten your neck and back, and bring them into alignment. Don't allow your chin to jut out.
Shoulders: Shoulders play an important role in keeping your upper body relaxed while you run, which is critical to maintaining efficient running posture. For optimum performance, your shoulders should be low and loose, not high and tight. As you tire on a run, don't let them creep up toward your ears. If they do, shake them out to release the tension. Your shoulders also need to remain level and shouldn't dip from side to side with each stride.
Arms: Even though running is primarily a lower-body activity, your arms aren't just along for the ride. Your hands control the tension in your upper body, while your arm swing works in conjunction with your leg stride to drive you forward. Keep your hands in an unclenched fist, with your fingers lightly touching your palms. Imagine yourself trying to carry a potato chip in each hand without crushing it. Your arms should swing mostly forward and back, not across your body,between waist and lower-chest level. Your elbows should be bent at about a 90-degree angle. When you feel your fists clenching or your forearms tensing, drop your arms to your sides and shake them out for a few seconds to release the tension.
Torso: The position of your torso while running is affected by the position of your head and shoulders. With your head up and looking ahead and your shoulders low and loose, your torso and back naturally straighten to allow you to run in an efficient, upright position that promotes optimal lung capacity and stride length. Many track coaches describe this ideal torso position as "running tall" and it means you need to stretch yourself up to your full height with your back comfortably straight. If you start to slouch during a run take a deep breath and feel yourself naturally straighten. As you exhale simply maintain that upright position.
Hips: Your hips are your center of gravity, so they're key to good running posture. The proper position of your torso while running helps to ensure your hips will also be in the ideal position. With your torso and back comfortably upright and straight, your hips naturally fall into proper alignment--pointing you straight ahead. If you allow your torso to hunch over or lean too far forward during a run, your pelvis will tilt forward as well, which can put pressure on your lower back and throw the rest of your lower body out of alignment. When trying to gauge the position of your hips, think of your pelvis as a bowl filled with marbles, then try not to spill the marbles by tilting the bowl.
Legs/Stride: While sprinters need to lift their knees high to achieve maximum leg power, distance runners don't need such an exaggerated knee lift--it's simply too hard to sustain for any length of time. Instead, efficient endurance running requires just a slight knee lift, a quick leg turnover, and a short stride. Together, these will facilitate fluid forward movement instead of diverting (and wasting) energy. When running with the proper stride length, your feet should land directly underneath your body. As your foot strikes the ground, your knee should be slightly flexed so that it can bend naturally on impact. If your lower leg (below the knee) extends out in front of your body, your stride is too long.
Ankles/Feet: To run well, you need to push off the ground with maximum force. With each step, your foot should hit the ground lightly--landing between your heel and midfoot--then quickly roll forward. Keep your ankle flexed as your foot rolls forward to create more force for push-off. As you roll onto your toes, try to spring off the ground. You should feel your calf muscles propelling you forward on each step. Your feet should not slap loudly as they hit the ground. Good running is springy and quiet.
The Human Body Is Built for Distance
Monday, October 26, 2009
Read this great Post....
Just got in from Night court and I won.... Yippee... Even tho it was just a traffic ticket!
Want you to check out this great post at Commitment is Liberating it's about beginner tips for triathlon.... Thanks Krista
Long night....Now morning...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Saturday Night Downtown.......Working!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Walking the beat....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Last day of vacation...

Well today is my last day of Vacation, It was a good vacation at home minus the back pain I had from hurting my back at physio, The pain is still there 24/7 but is getting weaker and weaker.
This morning I hit the pool earlier then normal because i have court at 1:30pm today, I loved it earlier because it was almost empty, I did 1 warm up lap then decided to go for my personal best, I started and at 75m i felt OK, so I went for 1 more length I made it, the last 25m was alittle sloppy but I did 100m without stopping, it felt great! It makes my goal of 750m feel alittle closer.
There's a female swimmer at the pool who swims like a fish, one of my old timer buddies told me that she is in her 50's (looks like her late 30's to early 40's) and at one time she had a chance to go to the Olympics.
She was there today, I didn't want to bother her during her swim but as she was getting ready to get out of the pool I said hello, and picked her brain and got a few tips, which I tried out.
My favorite tip which I'll use every time I hit the pool will be using the Swimming Pull Buoy, I used it for about 6 lengths, I liked it alot, but it took alittle getting used to keeping your body straight.
Question: What are your favorite swimming drills?
Well off to HQ now to get all dressed up for court, I hope it's a quick one today, last time in court it took forever...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Swim and Run..
Off to the Pool
Monday, October 19, 2009
Downer Day
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Favorite Triathlon Story: Dick & Rick Hoyt
Saturday, October 17, 2009
My new 70 yr old friends
It's funny Heidi makes fun of me
Because I have made friends with all the 70-80yr olds at the pool, and I know all the gossip..
Well today since I have been swimming alot the past 3 weeks a decided to hit the pavement, I headed out and I was feeling good but at the half way mark I realized I was behind.... I tried to push it but it was uphill for a while but in the home stretch I dug deep and was happy with my time of 27:19 for 5km... Maybe run again tomorrow then back to the pool....
Later all

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Friday, October 16, 2009
Race Car Tounge
Watch Jonah he has the Michael Jordan going on...
2009 Ironman Championship
Enjoy...anyone know when u can see the race on ESPN?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My back is feeling better today, I sent the morning cleaning around the apartment building (we're part-time supers), after that I headed to work to cleanup alittle file work then picked up Heidi.
Since my back is feeling better I went to the pool at 6:30-7:30... It was a good session, I focused on my leg kick and I was feeling strong doing my laps. I didn't try to more then a lap at a time, didn't want to get sloppy, tomorrow I'll push it alittle more...
Later all

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Close call....
I'm on vacation and enjoying it, this morning I had to run into the office to tie up a couple loose ends, it was a beautiful fall day when i was heading out so i decided to take my motorcycle... As i was pulling into working i could feel that the weather was changing well by the time I left work it changed.....It was raining. Well I approached the first stop light, it had just started to rain so the road was water and oil, I noticed that the don't walk hand was flashing didn't realize that it had been going for a while, I decided to accelerate through the light, as I hit the gas the light changed.
Now I had to decide to run the red light or try to stop, I attempted to stop....I geared down and eased on the breaks...I realized I wasn't gonna make it, I squeezed the brakes alittle more, then I lost it, I felt the uneasy feeling of the rear end catching up tot he front end by going sideways....
I didn't panic, at this point the light was red, the other green, The cars at the light just sat there, they must have seen what was happening...... I hit the gas and accelerated pulling the bike straight, the bike righted and I went through the Red then pulled over to compose myself, then off home I went